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Contact Damian: Tel 07484 680329

As part of our wizard events (workshops, wizard school and parties) we wanted to create something new and unique that didn't just regurgitate work already done by others. Instead, we wanted to weave a new world that not only allowed our customers to believe in a magical world but matched our values and ethics. From this 'The Wolfsbane Wizard Academy' was born.
Wolfsbane - Wizard Academy: Event Services

Wolfsbane is a fictitious school that we created for our Professor character players. It helps to provide a back story and a bit of 'realism' to our audience.
The unique thing we developed about our school is that the students are unusual even in the magical world. All the students that enrol within our academy are ones that have been rejected or frowned upon by other wizard schools because of some quirk, strange ability or blood curse. That means that our school is filled with werewolves, underbeings, halflings, shape shifters, halfbloods and hybrids: all budding wizards and witches that are seen as unpredictable, scary or outcasts.
The inclusion of our fictitious school (and the reasons we wanted to aim at the unusual) was to replicate how we felt about the 'human' world. We noted that anything odd or strange can be seen as 'lower' or 'abnormal'. We wanted to provide an environment for the voiceless, the shy, the misunderstood or the downtrodden and show that everyone has the ability to be magical. It was important to us that the the backstory we created got across the theme of our workshops.
Our workshops are to help with confidence, self esteem and team work and though are parties are aimed at fun, they do have a subtle message about understanding others and being different.

For our events Professor Black will host and facilitate the day. Professor Reuben Calculus Black: a master wand dueller and spell castor a magizoologist (expert in magical creatures) and Headmaster of the Wolfsbane Wizard Academy.
Professor Balck has the blood curse of being a werewolf. Having mastered the ability to control his curse (for the most part!) we show event participants that his curse is concealed (much like people in the human world who have mental health problems, autism, depression etc). Though he looks much like the average non magical person, he in fact carries a terrible burden but also great abilities (again just like the human world!)

We further elaborated the story to bring some everyday buildings and statues into play that people would see locally. This adds a level of fun for adults but also a layer of magic for children.
Our story weaving helps people to visualise and imagine what our world is like. It stimulates creativity and shows people that strange abilities are hidden magical powers and that in fact anything is possible!
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